Compression algorithms in Clojure

21 April 2014

A small collection of essays in implementing compression functions in Clojure, inspired by reading about the Hutter prize.

Definitions and utilities

To start with, let us define the basic interface for all encoding methods. An alternative to the definition below might be to define a protocol Invertible that can be mixed in for functions to define bijections.

(defprotocol Coder
  (encode [_ data] "Takes a lazy sequence of bytes and returns a lazy sequence of bytes")
  (decode [_ data] "Inverse of encode. Takes a lazy sequence of bytes and returns a lazy sequence of bytes"))

The interface without type annotations does not enforce the usage of byte streams as the common theme. However, given that often different encoding methods would be chained such as a Lempel-Ziv style sliding window compression together with an entropy encoding (for example Huffman coding below), it seems reasonable to work of a common stream assumption. Rather than using Streams though Clojure lazy sequences are the more idiomatic choice.

Bit manipulation utilities

Given the byte stream representation above, some utilities are in order to convert from bit streams (as produced by some algorithms) to byte streams and back. The definitions below represent (quite inefficiently) a bit stream as a lazy sequence of 0s and 1s and provide methods to convert back and forth both from single numbers and streams of bytes. For the sake of efficiency (premature optimisation warning!) they use loops instead of higher-order functions.

(defn num->bits [digits num]
  (loop [res [] n num cnt digits]
    (if (= cnt 0)
      (reverse res)
      (recur (conj res (bit-and n 1))
             (bit-shift-right n 1)
             (dec cnt)))))

(defn bits->num [bits]
  (loop [res 0 bs bits]
    (if (seq bs)
      (recur (bit-or (bit-shift-left res 1) (first bs)) (rest bs))

(def byte->bits (partial num->bits 8))

(defn bits->byte [[a b c d e f g h]]
  (+ (bit-shift-left a 7)
     (bit-shift-left b 6)
     (bit-shift-left c 5)
     (bit-shift-left d 4)
     (bit-shift-left e 3)
     (bit-shift-left f 2)
     (bit-shift-left g 1)

(defn bytes->bits [bytes]
  (mapcat byte->bits bytes))

(defn bits->bytes [bits]
  (map bits->byte (partition 8 8 [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] bits)))

Huffman coding

See Wikipedia article for background.

Huffman coding is the first compression technique one would usually encounter for compressing textual or other symbolic datasets. The fundamental ideas is to encode symbols (often single characters) by a bit string corresponding in length to the frequency of the symbol. So more frequent symbols will have shorter bit strings, very infrequent symbols will have correspondingly longer bit strings.

To implement Huffman coding first we need to generate a mapping of symbol to bit strings from the input frequencies or probabilities.

(defn- huffman-tree->codes [path tree]
  (if (sequential? tree)
     (huffman-tree->codes (conj path 0) (first tree))
     (huffman-tree->codes (conj path 1) (second tree)))
    {tree path}))

(defn- huffman-coding [freqs]
  (->> (apply sorted-set-by 
              (fn [[a ca] [b cb]] 
                 (< ca cb) -1
                 (< cb ca) 1
                 :else (compare (str a) (str b))))
              [::eof 1]
              (map vec freqs))
       ;; meat of the algorithm
       ;; one step at the time combine the lowest frequency nodes into a new joint node with weight equal
       ;; to the sum of frequencies
       ;; continue until only a single node is left
        (fn [s]
          (if (> (count s) 1)
            (let [[a ca] (first s) 
                  [b cb] (second s)]
              (-> s
                  (disj [a ca])
                  (disj [b cb])
                  (conj [[a b] (+ ca cb)])))
       (drop-while #(> (count %) 1))
       (huffman-tree->codes [])))

Given a symbol to bit string table as calculated by the huffman coding method we can now define the encoding and decoding routines as lookups against the table.

(defn huffman-encode [coding text]
  (concat (mapcat coding text)
          (coding ::eof)))

(defn huffman-decode 
  ([coding bits]
     (huffman-decode (into {} (map (fn [[k v]] [v k]) coding))
  ([coding prefix bits]
     (if (contains? coding prefix)
       (if (= ::eof (coding prefix))
         (cons (coding prefix)
               (lazy-seq (huffman-decode coding [] bits))))
       (huffman-decode coding (conj prefix (first bits)) (rest bits)))))

(defn huffman-coder [freqs]
  (let [coding (huffman-coding freqs)]
    (reify Coder
      (encode [_ data] 
        (bits->bytes (concat (mapcat coding data) (coding ::eof))))
      (decode [_ data] 
        (huffman-decode coding (bytes->bits data))))))

Arithmetic coding

See Wikipedia article for background.

In short arithmetic coding is based on the same idea as Huffman coding, that is to use for each symbol a bit sequence commensurate in length with the probability of the symbol's occurrence in the text. However, where Huffman encoding defines the exact bit sequence as the start and by that suffers from inefficiencies where probabilities don't translate to effective bit sequences, arithmetic encoding only converts at the end of the process and avoids compounded inefficiencies between probabilities and possible binary representations at the level of individual symbols. The definition of Arithmetic coding also lends itself well to extensions for conditional probabilities, such as for example encoding a symbol based on its conditional probability given previous symbols.

Naive implementation using Clojure ratios

Using the powerful numerical tower provided in Clojure, in particular ratios, we can define an succint, but inefficient implementation as below. The interval methods will be provided further on.

Firstly, encoding with respect to an input table of intervals resolves to no more than calculating the next subinterval and handling the assumed end of file marker.

(defn arithmetic-encode
  ([intervals data]
     (arithmetic-encode intervals (make-interval 0 1 true true) data))
  ([intervals interval data]
     (let [sym (or (first data) ::eof)
           sym-interval (intervals sym)
           next-interval (sub-interval interval sym-interval)]
       (if (= sym ::eof)
         (point-in-interval next-interval)
         (recur intervals next-interval (rest data))))))

Decoding an interval is a bit more tricky in that to find the next interval we want to find (think binary search) the next interval containing the encoded ratio and terminate when encountering the interval representing end of file.

(defn arithmetic-decode
  ([intervals number]
      (vec (sort-by (comp :lower second) intervals))
      (make-interval 0 1 true true)
  ([intervals interval number]
     (let [[sym next-interval]
            (fn [_ [_ iv]]
              (let [subiv (sub-interval interval iv)]
                 (in-interval? number subiv) 0
                 (left-of-interval? number subiv) -1
                 :else 1)))
       (when-not (= sym ::eof)
            (sub-interval interval next-interval)

Interval implementation

The previous section has made heavy use of a number of interval related functions, these are shown below. The implementation is left relatively simple, because representation of precise intervals is not the most efficient eventual implementation in any case.

(defstruct interval :lower :upper :inclusive-lower? :inclusive-upper?)

(defn make-interval 
  [lower upper inclusive-lower? inclusive-upper?]
  (struct interval lower upper inclusive-lower? inclusive-upper?))

(defn str->interval
  (let [[lower upper] (map read-string (s/split (subs spec 1 (dec (count spec))) #"\s*,\s*"))]
    (make-interval lower upper (= \[ (first spec)) (= \] (last spec)))))

(defn interval->str
  (str (if (:inclusive-lower? interval) "[" "(")
       (:lower interval) "," (:upper interval)
       (if (:inclusive-upper? interval) "]" ")")))

(defn interval-length
  (- (:upper interval) (:lower interval)))

(defn in-interval?
  [num interval]
  (or (< (:lower interval) num (:upper interval))
      (and (= num (:lower interval)) (:inclusive-lower? interval))
      (and (= num (:upper interval)) (:inclusive-upper? interval))))

(defn left-of-interval?
  [num interval]
  (or (< num (:lower interval))
      (and (= num (:lower interval))
           (not (:inclusive-lower? interval)))))

(defn right-of-interval?
  [num interval]
  (or (> num (:upper interval))
      (and (= num (:upper interval))
           (not (:inclusive-upper? interval)))))

(defn sub-interval
  "Creates a sub interval of outer in the same relation of inner to reference / [0,1] (default)"
  ([outer inner] (sub-interval outer inner (make-interval 0 1 true true)))
  ([outer inner reference]
     (let [ref-len (interval-length reference)
           lower-fraction (/ (- (:lower inner) (:lower reference)) ref-len)
           upper-fraction (/ (- (:upper inner) (:lower reference)) ref-len)]
        (+ (* (- 1 lower-fraction) (:lower outer))
           (* lower-fraction (:upper outer)))
        (+ (* (- 1 upper-fraction) (:lower outer))
           (* upper-fraction (:upper outer)))
        (and (:inclusive-lower? outer) (:inclusive-lower? inner))
        (and (:inclusive-upper? outer) (:inclusive-upper? inner))))))
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