A Clojure bot for Vindinium

17 August 2014

Having found Vindinium on Hacker News, I decided to have a go at writing a Clojure bot. There is a nicely made starter project available here. The starter kit provides a fully functioning client that just executes random moves.

Modelling the world

To start with (for narrative convenience rather than historical accuracy) let's take a look at the model. Although we can just work on the Clojure converted JSON data structures, it helps to define a couple of accessors to avoid spelling errors that the compiler won't catch.

(ns vindinium.model)

(defn hero
  [game hero-id]
  (get-in game [:heroes hero-id]))
(defn heroes [game] (vals (:heroes game)))

(defmacro def-hero-accessor [key & [def-name]]
  (let [n (or def-name (symbol (name key)))]
    `(defn ~n
       ([hero#] (~key hero#))
       ([game# hero-id#] (~n (hero game# hero-id#))))))

(def-hero-accessor :id)
(def-hero-accessor :pos)
(def-hero-accessor :gold)
(def-hero-accessor :life)
(def-hero-accessor :spawnPos spawn-pos)
(def-hero-accessor :mineCount mine-count)

(defn tile 
  ([board x y] (get-in board [x y]))
  ([board [x y]] (get-in board [x y])))

(defn board [game] (:board game))
(defn turn [game] (:turn game))

(defn mine? [tile] (and (vector? tile) (= :mine (first tile))))
(defn hero? [tile] (and (vector? tile) (= :hero (first tile))))

(defn my-id [state] (get-in state [:hero :id]))
(defn game [state] (:game state))

Note that from the default model handling, the board is change to remove the somewhat unnecessary :tiles layer. Also positions are handled as [x y] vectors rather than {:x x, :y y} maps (just a style preference, no deeper performance investigation).

The agent

Next let's look at the framework for an agent. As the first thing let's define a layer of safety around any behavioural function we are going to write to enforce on the one hand the strict time out constraint as well as provide a safe fallback should logic errors creep into the AI. The function below does just that (as well as generating some stats around performance). Note though that even leaving 50% of the time window (1 sec) buffer network delays can cause timeouts and rather annoying defeats.

(defn rand-move [] (rand-nth ["north" "south" "east" "west" "stay"])) 

(defn bot 
  "Creates a safe bot function that times the behaviour function"
  (fn [input]
    (try (let [start (System/currentTimeMillis) 
               fut (future (behaviour input))
               res (deref fut 1000 :timeout)
               end (System/currentTimeMillis)]
           (println (str "Agent took " (- end start) "ms"))
           (if (= res :timeout)
               (println "Bot timeout")
               (future-cancel fut)
             (name res)))
         (catch Exception e
           (println "Bot exception" e)
           (.printStackTrace e)

Next, let's define how we want the agent to be set up. Rather than having a single monolithic behavour function, I wanted to try an approach where the behaviour is composed from different (ideally atomic) behaviour traits, in the spirit of a reactive agent. For that we need one more layer of plumbing to compose different heuristics. Below is the shell for our heuristic agent.

(defn heuristic-agent [& heuristics]
  (fn [input]
    (let [candidates
          (apply concat
                  (fn [f]
                      (let [start (System/currentTimeMillis)
                            weight (get (meta f) :weight 1)
                            label (get (meta f) :label (str f))
                            choices (f input)
                            (if (or (string? choices) (keyword? choices))
                              [[choices weight]]
                              (vec (map (fn [[move w]] [move (* w weight)]) choices)))
                            time (- (System/currentTimeMillis) start)]
                        (println (str "heuristic " label " (" time "ms) => " res))
                      (catch Exception e
                        (println (str "Error in heuristic " (get (meta f) :label (str f)) ", ignoring it"))
                        (.printStackTrace e)
          (->> candidates
               (group-by first)
               (map (fn [[move ws]] [move (reduce + (map second ws))]))
          choice (first (apply max-key second sum-weights))]
      (println "heuristic sum =>" sum-weights "=>" choice)

This is somewhat dense code. The gist is the following: the function takes a set of behaviours (function from state to a single move or set of weighted options), with weight and label supplied as optional meta data. On each turn we run through all behaviours (pmap for performance) and aggregate all the weighted choices. In the end we take the highest rate move (or a random one if there are multiple choices, a small defence against loops).

A sample usage in terms of behaviour traits to be described below would look as follows.

(bot (heuristic-agent
        (with-meta (autist-dfs-agent 7) {:label "autist-dfs" :weight 1})
        (with-meta (tavern-finder 30) {:label "tavern-finder" :weight 0.9})
        (with-meta (mine-finder 30) {:label "mine-finder" :weight 1})
        (with-meta combat-one-oh-one {:label "combat" :weight 300})
        (with-meta (avoid-spawning-spots 0.1) {:label "spawn-avoider" :weight 0.1})))

Simulating actions

The next ingredient we need for most of the behaviours is a way to simulate the outcome of a movement, not just in terms of position changes but also in terms of combat effects etc.

The code is quite a bit (and could with some more refactoring). Let's start with the main movement. In essence we look at the new position and then determine whether the movement is illegal (off the board or into a wall), trivially ok (i.e. empty space) or has special effects like moving into a mine or a tavern. After resolving the effects we then deal with post move effects like combat, gold accrual and thirst.

(defn move [game hero direction]
  (let [[x y] (m/pos game hero)
        [nx ny :as npos] (pos+ [x y] direction)
        terrain (m/tile (m/board game) npos)]
    (when-not (or (nil? terrain) (= :wall terrain))
      (-> (cond
           (= :empty terrain)
           (-> game
               (assoc-in [:heroes hero :pos] npos)
               (assoc-in [:board x y] :empty)
               (assoc-in [:board nx ny] [:hero hero]))

           (= :tavern terrain)
           (-> game
               (update-in [:heroes hero] #(if (> (:gold %) 1) 
                                            (assoc % :gold (- (:gold %) 2)
                                                   :life (min 100 (+ (:life %) 50)))

           (= :hero (first terrain))

           (and (= :mine (first terrain)) (= hero (second terrain)))

           (and (= :mine (first terrain)) (> (:life (m/hero game hero)) 20))
           (-> game
               (assoc-in [:board nx ny] [:mine hero])
               (update-in [:heroes hero :life] #(- % 20))
               (update-in [:heroes hero :mineCount] inc))

           (and (= :mine (first terrain)) (<= (:life (m/hero game hero)) 20))
           (die game hero nil))

          (fight hero)

          ;; mines
          (update-in [:heroes hero] #(assoc % :gold (+ (:gold %) (:mineCount %))))

          ;; thirst
          (update-in [:heroes hero :life] #(max 1 (dec %)))))))

Note that as a design choice we have treated moving into a wall and off the map as illegal actions. This quite useful for cutting out invalid and most likely undesired behaviour from our search trees. However, it is not exactly what the server would do (i.e. in a real game an illegal move means we stay in the same place and all other effects occur as normal).

There a couple of helper methods not shown in order to get to the meat of the behaviour. The code can be found on github as referenced at the bottom.

The behaviours

So with all the plumbing in place what behaviours shall we use. The current agent uses the following five traits (in historical order of implementation):

Targeted finders: taverns and mines

Finding a tavern or mine is a simple application of breadth-first search. One could use A* instead if the target is pre-determined, but in our case we search for any closest.

(defn bfs 
  ([state neighbours success?]
    ... returns full path to success state or nil ...))

(defn path-to-tavern [board starting]
  (bfs starting
       (fn [pos]
         (neighbours board pos
                     #(or (contains? #{nil :wall :hero} %)
                           (m/mine? %))))
       (fn [pos] (= :tavern (m/tile board pos)))))

Having put this into place, we just need to wrap it with the life threshold and wiring to return the starting move from the calculated path. A little further niggle is that we want to actively use taverns when we are next to them, so as to avoid pointlessly having to ferry between mines and taverns with partial life. This could as well be a separate trait but is included here.

(defn tavern-finder [life-threshold]
  (fn [state]
    (let [id (m/my-id state)
          game (m/game state)
          (->> real-moves
               (filter #(= :tavern
                           (m/tile (m/board game) 
                                   (pos+ (m/pos game id) %))))
      ;; if we are adjacent give a little push so we actually use it
      (if (and adjacent-tavern (<= (m/life game id) 50))
        [[adjacent-tavern 20]]
        (when (<= (m/life game id) life-threshold)
          (move->direction (m/pos game id) 
                           (second (path-to-tavern (m/board game) (m/pos game id)))))))))

The code for finding mines is unsurprisingly quite similar.

(defn path-to-mine [board hero-id starting]
  (bfs starting
       (fn [pos]
         (->> real-moves
              (map #(pos+ pos %))
              (remove #(contains? #{nil :wall :hero :tavern [:mine hero-id]} (m/tile board %)))))
       (fn [pos] (m/mine? (m/tile board pos)))))

(defn mine-finder [life-threshold]
  (fn [state]
    (let [id (m/my-id state)
          game (:game state)]
      (when-not (< (m/life game id) life-threshold)
        (move->direction (m/pos game id) 
                         (second (path-to-mine (m/board game) id (m/pos game id))))))))

These two behaviours (with appropriate weights and threshold) alone make a pretty effective farmer that will find mines and replenish life. However, without some smarts for combat the agent is still doomed to be beaten most of the time as the consequences of death are severe.

Combat 101

There are several ways to approach combat. One would be to use an alpha-beta search tree to calculate possible scenarios. Although in the long run this is likely one of the best methods, with insufficient processing time and a non-optimized simulation, chances are that the calculation horizon might not be large enough to be effective. Hence, for initial combat handling we go with a simpler but effective rule based approach.

Notice first that we can usually avoid combat by never getting within one square range of an opponent (assuming of course our bot does not foolishly end up in a cul-de-sac). Moreover, in hand to hand combat we can calculate the melee outcome just from the starting totals. From these observations we posit the following rules:

These two rules already would be pretty effective for avoiding death and picking off the occassional foolish opponent getting too close. However, one important special case is missing: the handling of taverns.

Taverns prove to be very powerful. An enemy next to a tavern cannot be beaten unless he falls in the first attack. Hence, approaching such an enemy should not be attempted. In the reverse once our bot has reached a tavern with more than 20 life we are safe.

The code below implements these rules by calculating a map of square modifiers (-1 for a square that is likely to get us killed, +0.5 for a square that let us kill an enemy) per opponent and then aggregating them into a modifier map. Note that the choice of -1 and +0.5 should ensure that we take a safety first approach to conflicting threat and opportunities. Finally, the code also has a bit more fine tuning on when to engage a weaker foe (when he has mines to gain or we can off him in one step to get rid off the nuisance).

(defn enemy-mod-map [game my-life enemy]
  (let [enemy-pos (m/pos enemy)
        ns (neighbours (m/board game) enemy-pos)
        ns2 (distinct (remove #{enemy-pos} (mapcat #(neighbours (m/board game) %) ns)))]
    (->> (concat
          ;; don't get into the +1 space on your own
          (map #(-> [% -1]) ns2)
           (and (next-to-tavern? (m/board game) enemy-pos) 
                (> (m/life enemy) 20))
           (map #(-> [% -1]) ns)

           ;; we would loose even if we hit first
           (<= (quot my-life 20) (dec (quot (m/life enemy) 20)))
           (map #(-> [% -1]) ns)

           ;; we would win and there is something to get, but do go for the kill just to get rid 
           ;; of annoying bots
           (or (> (m/mine-count enemy) 0) 
               (<= (m/life enemy) 20))
           (map #(-> [% 0.5]) ns)

           ;; nothing to get, no preference ... to validate
           :else nil))
         (map (fn [[pos w]]
                (if (and (> my-life 20) (next-to-tavern? (m/board game) pos))
                  [pos (max w 0)]
                  [pos w])))
         (into {}))))

(defn enemies-mod-map [game hero-id]
  (let [my-life (m/life game hero-id)]
    (->> (m/heroes game)
         (remove #(= hero-id (m/id %)))
         (map #(enemy-mod-map game my-life %))
         (apply merge-with +))))

(defn combat-one-oh-one [input]
  (let [game (m/game input) 
        id (m/my-id input)
        mod-map (enemies-mod-map game id)]
    (->> move-options
         (keep #(if-let [game' (move game id %)]
                  [% game']))
         (keep (fn [[move g]]
                 (if-let [mod (mod-map (m/pos g id))]
                   [move mod])))
         (remove (fn [[move mod]]
                   (and (< mod 0) (= (m/mine-count game id) 0)))))))

Fine tuning: avoiding spawning points

Finally, observing a couple of games it becomes obvious quite quickly that being close to spawning points is a large risk, not only for getting unexpectedly killed but also for getting stuck into tit-for-tat loops. Hence, everything else being equal, we want to avoid getting too close to spawns. The behaviour below tries to address that by applying a penalty for moving onto or adjacent to spawning points.

(defn avoid-spawning-spots [ratio]
  (fn [input]
    (let [game (m/game input)
          my-id (m/my-id input)
          enemies (remove #(= my-id (:id %)) (m/heroes game))
          spawns (map m/spawn-pos enemies)]
      (->> move-options
           (keep #(if-let [g' (move game my-id %)]
                   (-> [% (m/pos g' my-id)])))
            (fn [[move pos]]
               (some #{pos} spawns) [move -1]
               (some #(adjacent? (m/board game) pos %) spawns) [move (- ratio)]
               :else nil)))))))

Further work

Many possible extension to the behaviours described above are possible. The two most fruitful areas would be improved combat, in particular avoid going into traps or otherwise getting killed and properly punishing exposed opponents, and detecting as well as breaking stalemates. Apart from that one could also think about optimizing the circuit of mine acquisition, varying behaviour based on map size and/or opponent ratings, supporting smart determination of taverns and mines that avoid conflict with stronger opponents etc

Getting the code

Finally the source for what is discussed above is available at tuor713/vindinium.

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