Hot deployment in Clojure

12 April 2014

Note that a few points below are based on experiences in Clojure 1.2.1. While that version is considerably dated, due to incompatible change barrier of version 1.3.0 early production adapters are sometimes still stuck on 1.2.1. Hence support for version 1.2.1 remains a vital consideration imho.

The grail of on-the-fly deployment

Given increasingly always on deployment requirements of modern applications as well as the expectation of live, REPL-based development modern language have increasingly embedded reloading & redeployment concepts in the core of the language. To see the progress just contrast the ceremony of pure Java class reloading in development via elaborate add on tools like JRebel to the simplicity of a REPL such as in Clojure.

However, speed of feedback during development is only one area unlocked by modern languages. Live redeployment of code in production where leveraging dynamic by nature languages can greatly help achieve agility and delivery.

In the Java world redeployment can be achieved live via carefully engineered classloader based mechanism (either written from scratch or employing the likes of OSGi bundle reload using probably the service registry to swap out the components). In Clojure simpler models are available via REPL like code replacement. Below I list some experiences of working on a dynamic deployment system in Clojure.

A. Reloading namespaces

The simplest way to achieve code reload is simply to load the new code via any of the clojure.core load functions (load-reader, load-file). This will redefine definitions of the re-loaded namespace. Additionally if files are updated on the local file system require with :reload-all would also serve, with the added benefits of automatically handling full dependency refresh.

In the following sections we will assume stateless code (for which Clojure's functional paradigm is ideally suited anyway). Reloading with the added complexity of maintaining in-memory state is best left aside to externalized caches.

To remove or not to remove

Both of the options above will not remove a namespace before loading new definitions. This usually works quite well for small incremental code changes, during the duration of the reload symbols are either from the old namespace or redefined from the new namespace but functions can generally be used without interruption of service. However, this is not guaranteed and certain code changes will certainly mean execution of code and reloading cannot be interleaved safely.

Moreover, simply reloading over the top of an existing namespace without explicit calls to remove-ns will mean variables will not actually be removed, so functions that depend on removed functionality may appear to still work even though the functionality is actually broken. Furthermore, memory will not be reclaimed for big variables until an actual JVM restart.

On the flip side a call to remove-ns followed by loading the new code will constitute a small duration of service disruption of external calls or internal code relying on the namespace.

Caveat: Memory leaks

Although generally reloading namespaces should not create leakages as old bindings are replaced by new bindings, freeing the old data and code to be garbage collected, there are some scenarios that do create leaks. One example (in Clojure 1.2.1 fixed in later versions) are defrecords.

As part of the definition of the record, Clojure 1.2.1 registers a multimethod for print-method against the record class. Even after the namespace has been reloaded and the old class reference discarded this method definition will be kept by the Multimethod dispatch table and hence the record class and its classloader will be retained.

Caveat: defmacro race condition

As hinted above reloading code concurrent to normal operations of the system can lead to race conditions, even in a generally concurrency-aware language such as Clojure. One particular example are macros (as created by defmacro). The definition of a macro is split into two parts (not combined as a single, atomic update at the time of this writing): the definition of function and binding to the appropriat Var, the setting of the macro meta flag.

Because the two operations are performed non-atomically, concurrently compiling code can in rare cases see a version of the macro not marked as a macro and hence try to call the macro as a function. Given the hidden additional env parameters passed to macros, this will inevitably lead to a rather weird compilation or execution failure. Even worse, with omission of an appropriate :refer-clojure clause it is even possible inadvertently to affect the macro status of core functions (a concurrent of a namespace without refer-clojure clause will rebind all Var to the clojure.core versions, so the call to set the macro flag may act on the clojure.core version if reload happens between the two definition steps).

B. Classloader reloading

Sometimes reloading individual just is not enough. For example, completely refreshing a set of libraries while clearing out all previous Vars may be best achieved by dumping the whole Clojure installation. For this task as well as the related concern of supporting different versions of the Clojure runtime itself, be it sequentially or concurrently, a Classloader based model - back to the Java roots so to say - seems unavoidable. Unfortunately, Clojure in its current form offers a number of challenges. See for example Immutant's article on runtime isolation here.

A rough draft of how this could work, for the example of invoking a function with a set of arguments against a classloader (containing a Clojure runtime with any desired user libraries) is shown below. The reflection can be eliminated by using a tool like Shimdandy Shimdandy.

(defmacro with-thread-context-classloader [classloader & code]
  `(let [t# (Thread/currentThread)
         old-tcc# (.getContextClassLoader t#)]
       (.setContextClassLoader t# ~classloader)
         (.setContextClassLoader t# old-tcc#)))))

(defn- invoke-method [^Method m obj & args]
  (.invoke m obj (into-array Object args)))

(defn- cleanout-threadlocal [class-loader class field]
  (let [c (.loadClass class-loader class)
        f (.getDeclaredField c field)
        _ (.setAccessible f true)]
    (.remove (.get f nil))))

(defn- run [^ClassLoader class-loader namespace function arguments]
    (let [rt (.loadClass class-loader "clojure.lang.RT")
          m (.getMethod rt "var" (into-array Class [String String]))
          f (invoke-method m nil namespace function)
          deser (invoke-method m nil "clojure.core" "read-string")
          seqer (invoke-method m nil "clojure.core" "seq")

          nssym (.invoke (invoke-method m nil "clojure.core" "symbol") namespace)]
      (.invoke (invoke-method m nil "clojure.core" "require") nssym)
      (let [res (->> arguments
                     (.invoke deser)
                     (.invoke seqer)
                     (.applyTo f))]

        ;; clean up 
        ;; shutdown agents, in case we created threads, makes the classloader onetime only
        (.invoke (invoke-method m nil "clojure.core" "shutdown-agents"))
        (cleanout-threadlocal class-loader "clojure.lang.Var" "dvals")
        (cleanout-threadlocal class-loader "clojure.lang.LockingTransaction" "transaction")
        (cleanout-threadlocal class-loader "clojure.lang.Agent" "nested")


As noted in the Immutant article's comments even clearing out the threadlocals (on the invoking thread) and shuting down agents (making the classloader quite one time) is not necessarily enough to prevent leakage under the presence of any kind of binding on additionally created threads (or Clojure managed threads). Also, note that the return values should be converted to Java primitives to avoid classes spilling out (and being hung onto like it appears to be the case for nrepl).


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